Sunday, October 14, 2012

Don't forget to Remember!!!

What. A. Phenomenal. Day.

But I'll get to that in a bit.

I'm having one of those days where I really don't want to forget what it feels like for things to go well.

This shouldn't insinuate, by any means, that things aren't going well but today was an example of things that went SO well!

A lot of what I've been working on lately has been lots of preparation for a single, short event. Looking back, it's hard to believe how much effort, planning and stress went into planning something that would last an hour. There have been meetings, detailed email correspondences, practices, rehearsals, safety waivers, arts and crafts, (but no tears), loss of sleep and definitely sweat that have gone into an hour and a half long event today.

And I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

There are few things that I find as satisfying as things going well, and few things give me that over-the-top happy feeling in my stomach when I can see other people enjoying something about as much as I am. Finding others who get excited and enthusiastic about all the goofy things that I do really keeps me motivated to keep foraging ahead and doing bigger and better things.

So this was our Quidditch team and Stanford after our Match.

I am soooo grateful for the whole team, how enthusiastic the staff and faculty of my school was, to all the Parents, families and students that hung out cheered on our team and for Stanford's team for being gracious, patient and FUN!

We played a Quidditch match.

And then it was done!! And we gathered up our brooms, quaffles, bludgers and hoops, shared a meal and sent them on their way. 

And it all happened before 1 PM.

I'm totally on cloud nine (and very VERY sleepy) but, as I spoke with Sydney about the other day (on Facebook chat) I'm so excited to be at the point I am in my life! I'm learning so much, having so much fun and just incredibly happy to be here!!!

Miss you girls so much, but I really do hope you're having incredibly adventures!!!

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