Friday, September 7, 2012

Rough game, Quidditch

Hello world!

It is finally FRIDAY after a long and spectacular week. It's week two here on campus and things are really beginning to gain momentum.

We're recruiting in full swing with Ambassadors, tabling around campus, holding recruitment sessions and planning our fun events (Like an open house of Burn's Tower!)

Ahhh how I love my tower.

We're passing out applications like there's no tomorrow and on Saturday we have a mini-retreat. I get to facilitate a discussion and get my own slide on the powerpoint and be grown up and responsible.

Dumbledore's Army: Pacific Division had their first meeting on Thursday night and it went swimmingly! We had about 40 people show up, most of whom were Freshman, but I'm really excited for the club this year. As it turns out, developing a Harry Potter club that has a strong sustainable backbone is no small feat. I was a little nervous at the end of last semester, but things really are looking up. We're going to take things in a community service based direction, and I think it's going to really change us in a positive way. We have plans for some teamwork with the Harry Potter Alliance, have some Mrs. Weasley gift drives around the holidays, and maybe even a Triwizard tournament fundraiser that would involve the whole campus. I'm so excited for our progress, and just to be reunited with the fabulous members of the club!

But on to the title reason for the post!

During our parent and family weekend coming up in October weekend, and our University has asked us to hold a quidditch game!!! We did the same thing last year, and used it as a launching point to start our intercollegiate quidditch team. This time, instead of playing our own students, we decided to reach out to some local schools in the area. I shot out e-mails to Cal, Stanford and a community team called the Silicon Valley Skrewts and GOT RESPONSES FROM ALL OF THEM THAT DAY! It ended up as a squealing-bouncing-up-and-down-in-your-seat kind of days. They were so helpful and enthusiastic and made me so excited for the sport I've missed so very much! We had 15 new freshman sign up as interested to play this semester and I can't wait to watch us become something that really lasts on this campus.

It has been an EXCITING week!!!


Now I'm going to go hang out with some buds at a fraternity house and watch some movies.
COLLEGE EXPERIENCES! Take that, frenchies.

They sent me this photo today :) I cried in the office. So glad my amigos are happy and safe!

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